Hey guys! So over a week ago we got a ton of snow here where I live in Kentucky, and I absolutely loved it the first few days!
-me in happier times, the first day of the winter storm.
Reports stated it was the most snow we had received in the past 20 years, snowfall in some areas totaling close to 2 feet! Well, after being completely snowed in day after day, all of this white stuff began to wear on my patience. Octavia, snowmaggedon, snowpocalypse, whatever you wanna call it - was beautiful for a while, but I am ready for it to GO. It's been downright treacherous just trying to go to the grocery store for food! We are blessed in that we haven't lost our electricity or water, as many all around us have. Things can always, always, always be worse.
I haven't really felt like blogging this week, as we have basically just been hibernating waiting for everything to thaw. We have bundled up and have watched enough TV it could blind us, lol. I have to brag because I am so proud of him, my uncle was on A&E this week. He is a retired Kentucky State Trooper and cold-case detective out of Louisville, Ky. He has been in numerous magazines and publications, and has been on A&E before.
Here is a clip of him on "After the First 48."
As far as what else we have been up to, I have laughed my rump off at some of the stuff people have been putting on Facebook as a result of all the snow. Here is one clip that came out of North Carolina - SO FUNNY!!!
HAHAHA! Stay in and stay warm, peeps!

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