Hey guys! I recently picked up an absolutely gorgeous blush from my favorite makeup brand, Nars. I had a coupon code for a couple of free products as well, and today I wanted to share them with you!
Nars blushes are my favorite, they are just so beautiful and are the best quality (in my opinion). I normally order all my beauty stuff from Sephora, but this particular blush is not sold on Sephora's website, you have to get it directly through the Nars website.
The blush is in the shade Taj Mahal, and it is a beautiful blazing burnt orange with golden shimmer.
I know, in the pan this looks like KA-POW! This blush is super pigmented and you could end up with a clown face if you weren't careful. But applied properly and sheered out on the cheeks, this is stunning. Although the description calls it a burnt orange with golden shimmer, it's more like a burnt orange with a golden sheen if you ask me. There are no definite specks of glitter or shimmer, it's just a beautiful golden sheen.
Here you will see a heavy swatch on the right, and then you see it blended out on the left. It really is just a beautiful blush! If you follow my blog then you are aware of my OBSESSION with orange/coral lip products, and I got this blush specifically for pairing with some of those lipsticks. If you have a lot of pink in your skin this might not be the most flattering blush for you. But for gals with olive to dark skin tones, this would be gorgeoussssss on you!
I used the coupon code (FEBMINIDUO) and received a travel size Via Veneto (black) eyeliner and Orgasm lip gloss.
I actually already had one of these lip glosses, but I was excited to get another one as I really do love it!

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