Hey guys! For today's manicure I decided to try something a little different from what I normally wear and actually went with a banana yellow polish. Yellow Kitty is from Sally Hansen's Complete Salon Manicure line, so it has that classic big brush that makes polishing your nails so easy! I have had this polish for years, but it's one of those colors I continually skip over and never reach for. I did a HUGE nail polish purge in 2014, but something made me hang on to this one. I decided to go ahead and use it again today to see if it is something I plan on keeping.
As with most yellow polishes this applies really streaky the first two coats, but you get complete opacity with 3-4 coats. (I was able to get away with just 3 coats on several of my fingers, but some had to have 4). What you're left with is a really pretty (cream) finish. This color might not suit every skin tone out there, and would probably look better with a tan (as most polishes do). This is not a color I would wear everyday, but here and there I think it's fun. Definitely something I could see myself wearing more in the Summer and to tropical locales (Cabo, Bahamas, etc.). I think it's good to have one of every color in your polish collection, so I am going to be keeping this. It's really pretty and surprisingly wearable.
Let me know if you have this shade and what you think of it, or what your favorite yellow polish is. Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day!

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